Thursday, June 19, 2008

Getting closer

well moving is getting closer and closer. I've started packing up Michael's room since it seems to be the easiest. We still need to go back to our old house and get the stuff we left and clean it all out. I don't think that will happen till about a week or so before the move. We're trying to find a moving company that will come pack up the house and load it into a truck that he can then drive to Florida. Mainly because I won't be here to help him. I also just started a second job and they don't know I'm leaving so I'm not sure how that's going to work out. I am hoping I can transfer with them but I don't know their policies on that. My general manger at gymbo is leaving and the person we think is taking over knows I am leaving and she's fine with it. Life seems to be taking some funny turns lately but I think it will all be for the better and I think moving will be the best choice ever. So for anyone that wants to keep tabs on the countdown here you go this is the first tentative date
and this is the second

I can't wait I'm getting super excited!

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Trying to escape

Trying to escape
Almost 11 months